Thursday, July 14, 2011

July Meeting

Thanks to all who attended the July Meeting of the Concerned Citizens of Allentown at the Borderline Restaurant. In addition to our regular members, we were very pleased to have Mr. and Mrs Hayden Phillips, John and Bobbi Janson, and Mr. Ed Beers join our meeting.
State Representative Justin Simmons was our guest speaker. Rep. Simmons serves on the P.A.  House Education Committee, and we had a very informative and lively discussion regarding the activities and issues facing Pennsylvania and that Committee. Rep.Simmons shared a lot of information with the group and the group provided some good feedback to him as well.
Our next meeting will be held at the Borderline restaurant on August 9, at 7:00 p.m. Be sure to attend and learn what is happening in Allentown and what we can do about it.

Best Regards
Jerry Holt

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Is The Allentown School District Out of Control?

Is the Allentown School District Out Of Control?
 Recently we have read and heard ad- nauseam of the continuing controversy regarding the Pennsylvania Basic Education Funding cuts; the lay- off of teachers and the dire predicament of the Allentown School District.  Perhaps some facts about the ASD and the Pennsylvania Basic Education Fund will pique your interest.
Forty Eight percent of the students in William Allen High School cannot read at grade level. Sixty Five percent of the students score less than grade level in math.
At Louis E. Dieruff High School, the scores for 2010 revealed that 51% of the students could not read at grade level while 61% could not do math at grade level. These two schools are considered as failing and have been for many years. These schools are on the PSSA report as requiring “Corrective Action”. The question is; what kind of corrective action?
The new Superintendent has laid out a very aggressive plan for the revision of the curriculum and a re-focus on the way classes are organized and staffed. This plan has not received the support of teachers, students and many parents.
The plan calls for a layoff of more than 200 teachers and support staff, while the administration remains virtually untouched.
The Superintendent has said that Governor Corbett has cut the budget along with the funding for several programs, and that we now have fiscal crises on our hands.
Let’s look at the facts as reported by the P.A. Department of Education,
During the 2006/07 school year the ASD had 18,318 students and 1154 teachers and administration. The salaries and benefits at that time totaled $122.9 million.
For the 2010/11 school year, there are 17,870 students and 1849 teachers and administrative staff. The salaries and benefits are budgeted at $157.5 million.
This is a 60.2% increase in staff and a 28% increase in salaries and benefits while the number of students is -2.4% less. WHY?
The 2011/ 12 budget plan calls for salary increases of $5.9 million, and additional spending of approximately $6 million..
During the school year 2008/09 the PA BEF provided $5,226,142,000 to the school districts in Pennsylvania. The year 2009/10 was $4,868,741,000 supplemented by Federal Stimulus money of $654,747,000. The 2010/11 year was $4,733,523,000 supplemented by $1,042,563,000.
Pennsylvania is no longer receiving the AARA money and Governor Corbett has returned the budget to the 2008 level of $5,226,142,000.
States and school districts were told NOT to use Stimulus money for hiring teachers, but for capital projects and other uses; because the stimulus funds would not go on forever.
I do not intend to defend Governor Corbett, nor castigate Governor Rendell; merely to present the facts as they really are. It is clear that Rendell took the opportunity to reduce the State portion of BEF and supplement with funds from the AARA allocation. It is also very clear that Governor Corbett restored the budget to previous levels. In fact the Allentown School District is getting $1,753,028 more in allocation for BEF than previously. The part of the previous budget that is missing is the AARA Stimulus grants.
With such a poor performance by our schools over time, it is apparent that the ASD is continuing to fail our students and the community. It is also apparent that throwing more money at the problem is not the answer. The ASD has some excellent and very dedicated teachers. We also have some bad ones. It is the responsibility of the Administration to reward the good ones and get rid of the bad ones.
We are seeing the results of a long time profound lack of leadership, ideas, stewardship and oversight by the Administration and the school board.
So, before we blame the teachers for the poor performance of the ASD; I think we should first look at the bloated and obviously ineffective ASD Administration.
There are many more important  issues than space in this column will allow me to address, however, If you are a concerned citizen of Allentown and would like to know more, please do the following;
1.      Get Involved! Attend the ASD board meetings; learn for yourself what is and is not being done and how the money is being spent.
2.      Attend the Allentown City Council meetings for the same purposes.
3.      Go to our website at Click on the mission statement icon; click on the next meeting notice, read the posts.
4.      It’s your children; your community; your money. Do you care?

Jerry Holt
Jerry Holt is a retired apparel and textile manufacturing executive and serves as Chairman of Concerned Citizens of Allentown

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Letter to Representative Justin Simmons

                                                                                                            April 28, 2011

Jerry V. Holt                                                                         Joe Hilliard
2108 South Lumber Street                                              2819 Rhonda Lane
Allentown, P.A. 18103                                                     Allentown, P.A. 18103
610-841-3764                                                                    610-349-7030

Representative Justin Simmons
The State Capitol
Room 170
Harrisburg, P.A. 17120

Dear Representative Simmons,
Thank you for taking my recent call regarding the problems that we have with Pennsylvania school systems and the resulting poor education that our children are receiving. I have also spoken to Senator Mike Folmer and have been in contact with Senator Pat Browne’s office as well.
I related the situation that we here in Allentown have with the two major high schools; William Allen High School and Louis E. Dieruff High School where more than 50% of the students cannot read at grade level nor demonstrate math skills at grade level. This is not a sad situation, it is an atrocity.
The Superintendent reported that at the beginning of the school year, more than 800 students drop out and do not return. Most of these students are children of parents or mothers on welfare. These mothers are not educated; do not value education and therefore the cycle of poverty is continued.
My proposal is that the state of Pennsylvania makes it a requirement that these children are in school every day; if not the parent loses part of their welfare benefit. There must be an incentive for performance at all levels of society; the welfare recipient’s incentive at this time is to find a way to game the system rather than get off welfare.
For the sake of our state and nation we must have a change in culture. That can only be accomplished through education.
There are several guidelines that should be instituted along with this proposal. Each of the guidelines is not punitive, but each has a purpose and an expected benefit.
·        There should be all day kindergarten in all school districts.
Kindergarten is the best place to start teaching young minds to read and write as well as the development of social skills and practices that they do not see demonstrated at home. This full day in the classroom gives teaches a chance to mold educated citizens.
·        Parents should be required to attend PTA meetings and/ or meet with the teachers on a regular basis. The demonstration of interest in their education on the part of parents is a major key in the commitment to schooling by the student. Parents should be taught to establish a study time at home without loud music or the TV.
·        Repetitively disruptive students may be expelled and the parent loses all welfare benefits.
·        Welfare students should not be allowed to quit school at 16 years of age; they must remain in school until they graduate or reach the age of 18 regardless of grade level accomplished. Young drop outs have few employable skills and keeping them off the street and in school will be a major factor in gang related crime reduction.
·        All students must be required to read and write English prior to graduation. If this requires a special class in the summer prior to the start of school, so be it. It is a sad commentary that the local Superintendent bragged about students graduating high school who do not speak English.
·        Students should be required to read at grade level before entering high school
·        Students coming from other countries should be placed in the grade level that their test scores indicate. These students should not be placed in high school just because their age rather than their learning level demonstrates. This is placing more hardship on the student and the family and perpetuates failure.
·        These guidelines should apply to all public and private schools in Pennsylvania.
Other problems surrounding Pennsylvania’s poor performance reside in the obscene growth in school administrations. The school administrations have become political bureaucracies that are focused on writing grants and expanding the budgets. School boards say they need more teachers; however it is the administrations that seem to grow.
Please see the attached spreadsheet that details the growth of the Allentown School District budget and the increases in staff and administration while the number of students is relatively stable.
The largest increase in the number of students is 4.5% while the staff and administration increased by 60%. The analysis shows that in the same seven year period, tax rates increased by 15.5% while revenues increased by only .4%. The budgets however increased by 42.4% in the same seven year period.
All of this largess while the system is failing.
I will be happy to speak to you at your convenience regarding this proposed legislation. Additional documentation will follow.

Thank you again for your time and consideration of these proposals.

Jerry Holt
Chairman: Concerned Citizens of Allentown
Joe Hilliard
Vice Chairman                                

Letter to Senator Pat Browne

                                                                                                            April 28, 2011

Jerry V. Holt                                                                        
2108 South Lumber Street                                             
Allentown, P.A. 18103                                                    

Senator Patrick M. Browne
The State Capitol
Harrisburg, P.A. 17120

Dear Senator Browne
I have contacted your office requesting a meeting with you to discuss the failing school system in Allentown as well as in the rest of the state of Pennsylvania.
I had the opportunity to meet with Senator Mike Folmer regarding the same subject and have sent him a similar letter.
I related the situation that we here in Allentown have with the two major high schools; William Allen High School and Louis E. Dieruff High School where more than 50% of the students cannot read at grade level nor demonstrate math skills at grade level. This is not a sad situation, it is an atrocity.
The Superintendent reported that at the beginning of the school year, more than 800 students drop out and do not return. Most of these students are children of parents or mothers on welfare. These mothers are not educated; do not value education and therefore the cycle of poverty is continued.
My proposal is that the state of Pennsylvania makes it a requirement that these children are in school every day; if not the parent loses part of their welfare benefit. There must be an incentive for performance at all levels of society; the welfare recipient’s incentive at this time is to find a way to game the system rather than get off welfare.
For the sake of our state and nation we must have a change in culture. That can only be accomplished through education.
There are several guidelines that should be instituted along with this proposal. Each of the guidelines is not punitive, but each has a purpose and an expected benefit.
·        There should be all day kindergarten in all school districts.
Kindergarten is the best place to start teaching young minds to read and write as well as the development of social skills and practices that they do not see demonstrated at home. This full day in the classroom gives teaches a chance to mold educated citizens.
·        Parents should be required to attend PTA meetings and/ or meet with the teachers on a regular basis. The demonstration of interest in their education on the part of parents is a major key in the commitment to schooling by the student. Parents should be taught to establish a study time at home without loud music or the TV.
·        Repetitively disruptive students may be expelled and the parent loses all welfare benefits.
·        Welfare students should not be allowed to quit school at 16 years of age; they must remain in school until they graduate or reach the age of 18 regardless of grade level accomplished. Young drop outs have few employable skills and keeping them off the street and in school will be a major factor in gang related crime reduction.
·        All students must be required to read and write English prior to graduation. If this requires a special class in the summer prior to the start of school, so be it. English should also be taught in Kindergarten. It is a sad commentary that the local Superintendent bragged about students graduating high school who cannot speak English.
·        Students should be required to read at grade level before entering high school
·        Students coming from other countries should be placed in the grade level that their test scores indicate. These students should not be placed in high school just because their age rather than their learning level demonstrates. This is placing more hardship on the student and the family and perpetuates failure.
·        These guidelines should apply to all public and private schools in Pennsylvania.
Other problems surrounding Pennsylvania’s poor performance reside in the obscene growth in school administrations. The school administrations have become political bureaucracies that are focused on writing grants and expanding the budgets. School boards say they need more teachers; however it is the administrations that seem to grow.
Please see the attached spreadsheet that details the growth of the Allentown School District budget and the increases in staff and administration while the number of students is relatively stable.
The largest increase in the number of students is 4.5% while the staff and administration increased by 60%. The analysis shows that in the same seven year period, tax rates increased by 15.5% while revenues increased by only .4%. The budgets however increased by 42.4% in the same seven year period.
All of this largess while the system is failing.
I look forward to our meeting on May 27th at 10:00 a.m. in your office in Allentown. In the meantime, I hope that you will consider these proposals as needed steps in the efforts to improve the educational system in Pennsylvania. Additional documentation will follow.

Thank you again for your time and consideration of these proposals.

Jerry Holt
Chairman: Concerned Citizens of Allentown

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mission Statement

Mission statement
The Concerned Citizens of Allentown is a group of taxpayers that are concerned regarding the ways in which our taxes are allocated and spent by the elected officials of Allentown. The group is focused on the question “Are we getting our money’s worth for the expenditures that are being made”
Our mission is to educate and inform the public regarding the goals; plans; agendas; decisions and actions of our elected officials, committees and Boards. We want to assure ourselves and the community, that there is clarity and transparency in all budgets, expenditures and borrowing. We will evaluate all budgets and expenditures and challenge the responsible parties when necessary. We encourage the public to be involved in Allentown City Council meetings as well as Allentown School Board meetings. We will maintain a Blog to inform the public of events, actions and accomplishments.
As an issue only focused organization, The Concerned Citizens of Allentown is NON-POLITICAL. We will not endorse or promote political parties; candidates; boards; committees or persons.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Next Meeting

Be sure to reserve May 10th for the next Concerned Citizens of Allentown Meeting. It will be held at the Borderline Restaurant, 2100 Union Blvd. Please come early for a burger or dessert. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m.
See you there

Letter to Senator Mike Folmer

                                                                                                            April 21, 2011
Jerry V. Holt                                                                         
2108 South Lumber Street                                              
Allentown, P.A. 18103                                                     

 Joe Hilliard
2819 Rhonda Lane
Allentown, P.A. 18103

Senator Mike Folmer
The State Capitol
Room 170
Harrisburg, P.A. 17120

Dear Senator Folmer,
Thank you for taking my call regarding the problems that we have with Pennsylvania school systems and the resulting poor education that our children are receiving.
I related the situation that we here in Allentown have with the two major high schools; William Allen High School and Louis E. Dieruff High School where more than 50% of the students cannot read at grade level nor demonstrate math skills at grade level. This is not a sad situation, it is an atrocity.
The Superintendent reported that at the beginning of the school year, more than 800 students drop out and do not return. Most of these students are children of parents or mothers on welfare. These mothers are not educated; do not value education and therefore the cycle of poverty is continued.
My proposal is that the state of Pennsylvania makes it a requirement that these children are in school every day; if not the parent loses part of their welfare benefit. There must be an incentive for performance at all levels of society; the welfare recipient’s incentive at this time is to find a way to game the system rather than get off welfare.
For the sake of our state and nation we must have a change in culture. That can only be accomplished through education.
There are several guidelines that should be instituted along with this proposal. Each of the guidelines is not punitive, but each has a purpose and an expected benefit.
·        There should be all day kindergarten in all school districts.
Kindergarten is the best place to start teaching young minds to read and write as well as the development of social skills and practices that they do not see demonstrated at home. This full day in the classroom gives teaches a chance to mold educated citizens.
·        Parents should be required to attend PTA meetings and/ or meet with the teachers on a regular basis. The demonstration of interest in their education on the part of parents is a major key in the commitment to schooling by the student. Parents should be taught to establish a study time at home without loud music or the TV.
·        Repetitively disruptive students may be expelled and the parent loses all welfare benefits.
·        Welfare students should not be allowed to quit school at 16 years of age; they must remain in school until they graduate or reach the age of 18 regardless of grade level accomplished. Young drop outs have few employable skills and keeping them off the street and in school will be a major factor in gang related crime reduction.
·        All students must be required to read and write English prior to graduation. If this requires a special class in the summer prior to the start of school, so be it.
·        Students should be required to read at grade level before entering high school
·        Students coming from other countries should be placed in the grade level that their test scores indicate. These students should not be placed in high school just because their age rather than their learning level demonstrates. This is placing more hardship on the student and the family and perpetuates failure.
·        These guidelines should apply to all public and private schools in Pennsylvania.
Other problems surrounding Pennsylvania’s poor performance reside in the obscene growth in school administrations. The school administrations have become political bureaucracies that are focused on writing grants and expanding the budgets. School boards say they need more teachers; however it is the administrations that seem to grow.
Please see the attached spreadsheet that details the growth of the Allentown School District budget and the increases in staff and administration while the number of students is relatively stable.
The largest increase in the number of students is 4.5% while the staff and administration increased by 60%. The analysis shows that in the same seven year period, tax rates increased by 15.5% while revenues increased by only .4%. The budgets however increased by 42.4% in the same seven year period.
All of this largess while the system is failing.
I will be happy to speak to you at your convenience regarding this proposed legislation. Additional documentation will follow.

Thank you again for your time and consideration of our proposals.

Jerry Holt
Chairman: Concerned Citizens of Allentown
Joe Hilliard
Vice Chairman                                

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Agenda for April 2011 Meeting

Meeting April 12 2011

1.     Welcome                                                                              Jerry Holt

2.     Pledge of Allegiance                                                          Jake Stofko

3.     Update on Activities                                                          Jerry Holt
A, School Board
B. City Council

      4. Report on Allentown Bond Challenge                           Joe Hilliard

      5, Presentation on Governor Corbett’s Tax cuts             Joe Hilliard

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Welcome to the new site

This new site is much easier to access. The address is
We will be posting a lot of information that is being developed. We hope to have completed the detailed analysis of the ASD pay structure before the next meeting.